The SIG3D is registered in INSPIRE as a Spatial Data Interest Group (SDIC) and also as a Legally Mandated Organization (LMO) through the GDI-DE.
In the INSPIRE modeling process of 3D themes in Annex II and III experts of the SIG3D were involved in the topics of building models, terrain and production and industrial sites.
Particularly in the specification of INSPIRE building model a maximum compatibility with the CityGML standard could be reached.
Meanwhile a CityGML INSPIRE ADE (Application Domain Extension) has been developed jointly by the University of Bonn and the Technical University of Munich. This INSPIRE ADE enables a lossless transformation of CityGML data to INSPIRE Building data in both directions.
The SIG3D will continue to engage in 3D themes in INSPIRE and deal with this topic in the SIG3D Modeling working group.