Feature Type
Household is a group of persons living in the same dwelling, in the case where occupant type is residents.
Name |
Type |
ResidenceTypeValue |
HouseholdTypeValue |
Attribute type: energy:residenceType |
Indicates the residence type of a household (e.g. main residence, secondary residence or vacant).
ResidenceTypeValue (Enumeration)
Code |
Text |
mainResidence |
mainResidence |
Residence where a household lives for the greatest amount of time. Also called primary residence. |
secondaryResidence |
secondaryResidence |
Residence where a household lives part time or less than the majority of the calendar year. |
vacant |
vacant |
Residence where nobody lives. |
Attribute type: energy:householdType |
Indicates the household type (e.g. one family, Multi family, a lonely adult, a pensioner couple, a worker couple, etc.).
HouseholdTypeValue (Enumeration)
Code |
Text |
loneAdult |
loneAdult |
An adult living alone (age above 18). |
multiFamily |
multiFamily |
Two or more families living in a building. |
oneFamily |
oneFamily |
Only one family living in a building. |
pensionerCouple |
pensionerCouple |
An old couple living in a building (age above 60). |
unrelatedAdults |
unrelatedAdults |
Two or more adults having no family relation living together. |
vacant |
vacant |
No one living in a building. An empty household. |
workerCouple |
workerCouple |
A working couple living in a household. A couple having a job. |