Feature Type
Household is a group of persons living in the same dwelling, in the case where occupant type is residents.
Name |
Type |
ResidenceType |
HouseholdType |
Attribute type: energy:residenceType |
ResidenceType (CodeList)
Code |
Text |
MainResidence |
MainResidence |
(or primary residence) Residence where a household lives for the greatest amount of time. |
SecondaryResidence |
SecondaryResidence |
Residence where a household lives part time or less than the majority of the calendar year. |
Vacant |
Vacant |
Residence where nobody lives. |
Attribute type: energy:householdType |
HouseholdType (CodeList)
Code |
Text |
LoneAdult |
LoneAdult |
MultiFamily |
MultiFamily |
OneFamily |
OneFamily |
PensionerCouple |
PensionerCouple |
UnrelatedAdults |
UnrelatedAdults |
Vacant |
Vacant |
WorkerCouple |
WorkerCouple |